
What a strange year 2020 has become.
A worldwide pandemic has caused chaos; thousands of deaths, lockdown of countries and economies crashing.
When will it all be over and life can return to normal?!!
All the races I had entered this year have been cancelled or postponed (Two Oceans Ultra, 36ONE mtb, Celtman Xtri) I wonder if we will get any racing in towards the end of 2020? But in the grand scheme of things all races are insignificant in this current situation.
We, in SA, are currently in a 21 day lockdown like many other countries, where we can only go out of our house to get groceries or medical supplies. Except for key workers such as medical staff, supermarket cashiers, delivery drivers etc.
I am so grateful that Cobus and I have indoor bike trainers, a treadmill and some simple gym equipment. Exercise plays a massive part of mental health – we both would have gone crazy without being able to train.
It’s important for people during the lockdown to keep motivated by planning their days in advance. Make a list of what you want to achieve the following day – whether it be yoga, work, cleaning the bathroom, making cookies with your children. Then you will wake up each morning with a purpose. Exercising first thing makes you feel good and sets you up for a productive day ahead. Make it a routine that you start everyday like this. At the end of each day you will have ticked off your items on your list. You will have achieved various things in the day, however big or small. It will keep you positive and motivated for the days ahead.

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